Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes Post Credit Scene

Rise of the Planet of the Apes: Unraveling the Mid-Credits Scene

Exploring the Hidden Significance

The mid-credits scene in "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" holds a captivating secret that has sparked countless discussions among fans. As the infected and scarred Hunsiker leaves for work as an airline pilot, he unknowingly carries the seeds of a catastrophic future.

The Disturbing Discovery

As Hunsiker boards the aircraft, the ominous silhouette of a chimpanzee appears on the screen, accompanied by an unsettling ape noise. This brief glimpse serves as a chilling foreshadowing of the inevitable clash between humans and apes that lies ahead.

The Honking Ape

The ape noise at the end of the credits is a subtle yet powerful reminder of Caesar, the intelligent chimpanzee who emerges as the leader of the Apes in the subsequent sequels. This honking sound becomes a symbolic representation of Caesar's growing consciousness and the threat he poses to human dominance.

Post-Credits Absence

Unlike other entries in the "Planet of the Apes" franchise, "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" does not feature a stinger or any other post-credits content. This intentional absence serves to emphasize the unsettling nature of the mid-credits scene and its implications for the future of the story.


The mid-credits scene in "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" is a masterful piece of filmmaking that subtly foreshadows the epic events that will unfold in the sequels. The infected Hunsiker, the looming ape silhouette, and the honking sound all contribute to a sense of impending doom and a reminder that the battle for supremacy between humans and apes is far from over.

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